In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, he argues that eudaimonia is the ultimate goal in life. Eudaimonia roughly translates to happiness or human flourishing. One of the ways in which eudaimonia is achieved is by exercising the mind. This blog is intended to help all of us reach eudaimonia through political discourse. This cannot be possible without YOU the reader, and YOU the respondent. Hence, youdaimonia.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Kangaroo Court System at Guantanamo

The next time you hear Dick Cheney say that the military commissions at Guantanamo Bay are an essential component of our national security aparatus, ask yourself this question: If Guantanamo is so effective, why did the Bush administration's prosecutors keep resigning?

Also, Glenn Greenwald reminds us that U.S. federal courts have a much better record of convicting terrorists than the military commission system created by the Bush administration.

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