In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, he argues that eudaimonia is the ultimate goal in life. Eudaimonia roughly translates to happiness or human flourishing. One of the ways in which eudaimonia is achieved is by exercising the mind. This blog is intended to help all of us reach eudaimonia through political discourse. This cannot be possible without YOU the reader, and YOU the respondent. Hence, youdaimonia.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why Rachel is Different

Tonight Rachel had a great segment on her MSNBC TV show.

I love the fact that she basically had a 7 minute long military planning session on national television. She and her guest went really in depth on how the recent terrorist attacks in India could affect our military operations in Afghanistan. You really got a feel for the complexity of the situation. I feel like this kind of coverage has really been absent over the past 8 years due to this administration's tendencies to look at the world in black and white. The framing done by the whitehouse seemed to constrain how those in the main stream media talked about issues (to the detriment of the country in my opinion). I'm glad to see that Rachel is challenging the conventional wisdom on what viewers are interested in when it comes to news.


Anonymous said...

That's a quality news report. I still can't bring myself to watch cable news, though; even if the show itself is good, the commercials drive me insane.

Charles de Granville said...

You can actually podcast her TV and radio show. The radio show is commercial free. I'm not sure about the video podcast of the TV show. Just search for Rachel Maddow in the iTunes store. :)