In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, he argues that eudaimonia is the ultimate goal in life. Eudaimonia roughly translates to happiness or human flourishing. One of the ways in which eudaimonia is achieved is by exercising the mind. This blog is intended to help all of us reach eudaimonia through political discourse. This cannot be possible without YOU the reader, and YOU the respondent. Hence, youdaimonia.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

McCain Always Was a Terrible Student

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) has released a report card that grades every member of congress on their support for legislation important to veterans. John McCain got a D. Barack Obama got a B. As far as I can tell, John McCain's way of supporting the troops amounts to asking them to risk their lives in unnecessary, never-ending wars.


Anonymous said...

Serious question: is there anything that McCain claims to be ideologically aligned with that his actions just don't seem to support? Veteran's Affairs vs. this; Earmarks vs. Sarah Palin; fiscally conservative vs. direct payout to companies that made bad loans; responsible foreign policy vs. bomb bomb bomb Iran and bluster against Spain. What's a position he's been consisten on?

Anonymous said...

Sub in "that his actions actually support" for "that his actions just don't seem to support", and my previous comment might make some sense.

Charles de Granville said...

As a matter of fact, at Steve Benen's old blog he keeps a running list of John McCain's flip flops.